Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Why Women Should Lie About Their Age

As women get older we look to the finer things in life to provide us with comfort and contentment; the perfected coffee, an expensive coat to slip into on a cold night, a Persian carpet to welcome our tired feet or a delicious meal and expensive champagne with girlfriends to satisfy our carnal needs for gossip and unadulterated alcohol fuelled fun. We look to established, matured and experienced connoisseurs for advice. Designer brands that have influenced our dressing style for decades, a restaurant that has the reputation and experience to deliver on our tastebuds’ demands or a 20 year old bottle of wine. Time teaches us that very rarely can something new and untried deliver over experience, years of dedication and hard fought reputation. 

Like wine, men get better with age. The saying that women mature faster then men is unfortunately true, they seem to live on another planet to their gender counterparts. Post the tiresome twenties, men come into their bloom between 32-35 years of age. They have this subtle confidence and mature sexuality that just leaps across the room, far more than a baby-faced 25 year old boy. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good toy boy every now and again but, as with toys, you either break them or get tired of playing with them. Such is life. Men on the other hand, never seem to get tired of playing with them.

I was enjoying a glass of wine with a friend, Mr. X, the other night and we were discussing the intricacies of life, which included relationships. I mentioned how I had seen multiple articles about there being a global shortage of eligible/marriageable men for career women. Ever since the apocalyptic feminist era that changed, forever, the way women were viewed in the workforce, at home and even on some sporting fields, women have circumvented the marriage card in pursuit of power and success. Once at a level of self gratification, their long list of ‘the ideal man’ criteria coupled with their ever escalating age, leaves them alienated from the single game. Mr. X told me how men like him, financially successful, self assured and attractive, were tired of needy women. How, every relationship with women of a similar age, increasingly led to the necessity for something more. He said, past a certain age, women become so desperate to settle down, they become these relationship starved harpies, who latched their claws in through sheer panic that their body clocks were ticking away and would cease before they had procreated. Simply… they prefer to date younger women. All of his friends, roughly 35, were all dating 25 year olds.

It made complete sense to me. Less baggage, a tighter ass, less demanding and old enough to be entertaining but young enough still have a few good years on her. In a ‘global shortage’ of men, males are spoilt for choice in their selection of the ever expanding variety of women to choose from. They have a far greater age range to pick from than most women would deem respectable. Why on earth would they want to settle down when they can have the time of their lives without the boredom of a relationship, and have it with a smoking hot 23 – 25 year old! Career women, in their late twenties are in for a surprise if they think that just because they now have the brains and well articulated conversations to bring to the table that men will drop at their feet. It’s almost the complete opposite. Men want a handbag just as much as a woman does; his is just one with a great set of legs and doesn’t expect a diamond necklace for her birthday or an engagement ring after two years.  It’s sad to think that beautiful, smart and entertaining women are made to feel unworthy or unappreciated because of the deluge of young, short skirted and fake breasted women that men now seem to be choosing. What ever happened to wife material or the perfect girlfriend?  Hopefully there are still a few out there that appreciate those that will make excellent partners when the looks fade.

I on the other hand… when in Rome

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