Sunday, 10 March 2013

Collect and Select Without the Baggage

Don’t you love the ladies' toilet  when you are on a night out? Social barriers crumble and we become BFFs in 5 minutes! Lipsticks are shared, hairbrushes borrowed and tips about men fly from every cubicle! Nothing is sacred and for those few minutes, it’s almost acceptable to talk to complete strangers about your inner heart’s dilemmas.

The other night, my friend and I were in the toilets at the Establishment (, and we were accosted by one such female patron. She fell in love with my GF’s trendy apparel ( Like any other female conversation, it inevitably led to the topic of men and post, present and potentials were all discussed. This woman’s theory was, have many options and make a few select choices from the group. Collect and Select. We loved it! Her honest, no BS, simplistic view that men were there to be acquired like coins and then put to good use when you had selected which ones you wanted to save or discard, was refreshing and hilarious.

The problem is most women fall too easily and can’t distance themselves from their feelings. This is due to a hormone called Oxytocin, which is the reason why women get so clingy after sex: “women's brains differ from men's brains. Women have more oxytocin and vasopressin, brain chemicals that promote bonding, and attachments; whereas men have more testosterone, a brain chemical that promotes action and sex. As a result, women like to talk and process things emotionally, whereas men like to do things” (  

So here are 10 things not to do so you can have a little fun without the inevitable heartache that comes with getting attached:

10 Things - How Not To Like Them

1.                             Never imagine your future with him

Girls love to fast forward. They imagine romantic getaways, intimate dinners, sleepy Sundays with movies and cuddles. DON’T! Let me tell you, guys NEVER think about this. Unless he is one of rare finds that have hit that ‘I’m ready to settle down’ phase (1 in a 100), he is never going to be thinking about you in your sweats, eating pizza and watching a romcom on the first few dates. Just look at him as exactly what he is, a fun-filled activity for that night or day and that’s it! 

2.                             Don’t see him more than once a week

Women grow attached far quicker than men do and this is escalated by multiple meet over a short period of time. You’ll find that after a few days of no contact, the novelty and excitement of the date wears off and you are content to just be and not over analyse the previous or next date, which is more than a couple of days away. Or obsess about when he is next going to contact you.

3.                             Don’t expect him to call/text

If you go into it with your eyes wide open and know that your overall objective is to have fun and not jump into a relationship, then you don’t want to speak to him for a few days. Even if he texts, remember this is not a relationship, so reply (don’t be rude), but leave it at that. No question at the end, engaging him to text back and forth. Just reply, say thanks, good to see him and catch up soon. Also, if he doesn’t text, you aren’t completely shredded because you didn’t expect it, and the power and your pride stays in your control.  

4.                             Don’t call/text him every day or even several times a week

If you do want to see him again (for purely fun and no strings attached reasons), don’t text several times a week. Text him when you want to meet up, make the plans and then leave it. Front of mind means emotions are involved. Quickly thought about and quickly forgotten is the aim.   

5.                             Don’t introduce him to your group

Not only does this reek, “I want you to be my boyfriend”, but it’s also a sure way of disclosing to the world that you are falling for him. Keep him to yourself, why share the fun? A few friends is fine, as it means you can go out and be social but be careful of inviting him to a BBQ with your whole network there.  If he is a mutual friend, then you treat him like every other mate. No difference.

6.                             Don’t invite him around for Sunday couch times

Sundays are the most depressing day of the week. More than likely you’re tired after a heavy weekend of socialising and are man down with pre-Monday blues, especially during the cold months of winter. DO NOT, I repeat, do not invite him over because you are feeling vulnerable and wouldn’t mind a cuddle. A lot of sports play on a Sunday and men like their ‘me time’ too at the end of their weekends. It’s a sure way to indicate you are into them as you’re inviting them into your personal space. Dead giveaway! Plus Sundays are for junk food and movies with gal-pals and the special someone, not just one of the ‘fun buddies’.  

7.                             Don’t ever invite him to do menial things

I feel like I shouldn’t even need to say this but some women don’t know… No boyfriend, let alone a ‘fun buddy’, likes to come along to pick up dry cleaning or shopping for ANYTHING. Unless the guy is completely into you, and even then it’s iffy, he will detest being dragged about doing random, unenjoyable stuff with you.   

8.                             Don’t get him involved in the mundane activities of your life.

Don’t go on about how horrible your boss is or how irritating your girlfriend was. He doesn’t care. He won’t remember half the time and 9/10 times he’s only half listening. Engage him on the things you both like? Talk about what interests you, sport, holiday destinations and opinions on things you’re both passionate about, just keep the topic neutral.  

So ladies, if you haven’t cracked the dating scene then not to worry as the single scene holds a plethora of fun and exciting prospects to have fun with! Sydney is full of them! Just jump right in and maybe you will actually find a pearl when you least expect it!